Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3:12–4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
In his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”, Viktor Frankl narrates how he survived Auschwitz. He writes that one of the worst sufferings at Auschwitz was waiting: waiting for an uncertain release or for the war to end or for death. This waiting caused some prisoners to give up; the same waiting did not cause others like Frankl to succumb. They had a realistic goal; they had a “why”. They looked at the present realistically and to the future with hope.
Look at the present realistically and to the future with hope! This is the message of the readings today.
- Jeremiah is preaching at a time of national and personal distress: Jerusalem is under siege, and he is in prison. He recognizes that the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile are imminent. But Jeremiah foresees that a shoot will bud from the old stalk of David; this shoot will bring about peace with justice and there will be a total recovery of national and religious stability. The present is bleak; Jeremiah looks at it squarely and looks to the future with hope.
- Jesus predicts the total collapse of Jerusalem, which has been the symbol of God’s eternal fidelity. But he encourages his disciples to stand firm, because he is the shoot of David who will re-establish order and recovery of identity. Jesus paints a grim view of the future not to paralyse his listeners with fear but to call them to faith, prayer, and hopeful waiting; he invites them to be attentive to their disorders.
- St Paul urges the Thessalonians to grow in love for another and to grow in holiness during this period of waiting.
How will I spend this season of Advent: Will I lament the present or will I look at it realistically and to the future with hope? What are the disorders I need to remove from my life? How will I grow in love and holiness?
May this Advent be a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus, a time of hope-filled and realistic waiting-action.