31 October 2020

All Saints


Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12

During World War II, England had a great difficulty keeping men in the coal mines. It was a thankless and unglorified job. Many wanted to join the military, which would give them glory and recognition. 
To motivate them to stay in the mines, Winston Churchill delivered a speech to thousands of coal miners stressing the importance of their role in the war. He told them to picture the grand parade that would take place when VE day came: first would come the armed forces; then would come a long line of sweat-stained, soot-streaked men in miner’s caps who had helped those ahead of them stay in battle.

A portrayal of the grand parade at the end of time would be similar: first would be the apostles, then the doctors of the church, and the founders of religious orders; bringing up the rear would be thousands of “ordinary” men and women.

The first reading depicts this parade “of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue.” 
The heavenly parade is truly an international assembly of ordinary people who have been faithful to God, who have struggled through everyday crises, who have lived lives of humility and service, and quietly witnessed to the gospel.

These unheralded and unknown saints have lived the beatitudes, which we heard in the Gospel. 
Blessed are the poor in spirit! The “poor” are those who do not have the resources to meet their needs; they recognise and acknowledge their absolute need of God. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven! Jesus assures his disciples that when they totally depend on God, they belong to God!
The second to the seventh beatitudes spell out aspects of being “poor in spirit”.
In the eighth beatitude, we hear again “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Here, the “blessed” are those persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Righteousness, for Matthew, is doing God’s will. 

The blessed are those who 
- acknowledge their need of God;  
- belong totally to God;
- commit themselves to God’s will every day.
That’s the ABC of becoming a saint!

Today’s feast is a reminder that God’s call for holiness is universal; all of us are called to live in his love and to live the beatitudes. 
Will I strive to be holy in my daily and ordinary life? Will I live the beatitudes: acknowledge my absolute need for God, belong to him, and commit myself to doing his will?

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