12 March 2022

II Sunday of Lent


Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Philippians 3:17—4:1; Luke 9:28b-36

Ben Hooper was a boy who grew up in the mountains of Tennessee. His mother bore him out of wedlock. People mistreated him: adults stared at him and made guesses about his father’s identity; children said ugly things to him… Ben kept away from them.
In his early teens, Ben was drawn to a local church. He would enter in time for the sermon and leave immediately… afraid he would meet people. One Sunday, Ben couldn’t make a quick exit. As he walked out, he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder; it was the preacher! Ben assumed that the preacher was about to make a guess about his father. And he did! The preacher said: “Boy, I know who you are. I see a striking resemblance. You’re a child of… God. Now, go claim your inheritance.” Ben left church that day a different person. 
Later, Ben Hooper was twice-elected governor of Tennessee.

Ben’s discovery of his identity—as a child of God—transformed him and helped him become the person he became!

That’s something like what happened to Jesus on Mount Tabor.
Reading through Luke’s Gospel, one gets the impression that Jesus is searching to discover his identity. A few verses before this passage, Jesus asks his disciples: “Who do people say I am? Who do you say I am?” 
The question is important, and Jesus goes to pray. In prayer, the Father reveals who Jesus is: “This is my Son, the Chosen One.” The confirmation of his identity transforms and transfigures him.
This recognition also gives Jesus his mission. Moses and Elijah talk to Jesus about “his exodus, which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem.” The exodus of the Hebrews was a struggled-filled journey; a coming to life through suffering. The transfiguration reveals to Jesus that his path to glory is via Jerusalem and empowers him to walk the road to suffering and death.

In and through our prayer, we need to discover our identity as children of God. This discovery will transfigure us, help us deal with our struggles, and strengthen us to face our “Jerusalem”. 
In this Lenten season, may all our practices help us discover our identity as children of God, the chosen ones; and may we be transfigured and strengthened to face our Jerusalem!

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