11 June 2022

Trinity Sunday


Proverbs 8:22-31; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15

The philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote: “The doctrine of the Trinity provides nothing, absolutely nothing of practical value, even if one claims to understand it.”
There are many who agree with Kant! The math (1+1+1=3) is wrong; philosophers/ theologians use a term like “consubstantial” to explain it. The doctrine of the Trinity surpasses our understanding; it is a mystery. However, the doctrine is a “practical mystery” with radical consequences for our life. 

First: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are unique and distinct. To help us understand that uniqueness, God has revealed to us three separate functions of the three persons—the Father creates; the Son reconciles and redeems; and the Spirit guides and teaches. 

Second: these three unique and distinct persons live in communion; they form a community; God is a family! Today’s gospel text indicates the close relationship they share: “the Spirit will guide you to all truth… he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine.” An intimate and magnificent collaboration! 
The Greek Fathers use the word “perichoresis” to describe this loving communion of the Trinity; the word may be defined as a “dancing together”. God does not exist in solitary individualism but in a community of love and sharing.

What are the implications of the doctrine of the Trinity for us?
Created in the image and likeness of a Trinitarian God, we have qualities like God! 
First, we are unique individuals; and we want to be accepted thus. 
Second, we yearn to live in community/communion. We achieve this communion not by negating/denying differences, but by respecting and nurturing our diversity, and blending our differences.
Third, like the Father, we are called to be productive/creative, and to contribute to the building of our family, church, society, nation; like the Son, we are called to reconcile and to mend what is broken; like the Spirit, it is our task to dispel ignorance and to guide. 

God is God only in a Trinitarian relationship; so too we can be fully human only in relationship: a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with people and creation.

How am I going to live the doctrine of the Trinity in my life? Will I respect myself and other as unique persons and form communion and community by blending differences; and be a creative, reconciling, and guiding person?

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