07 December 2024

II Sunday of Advent


Baruch 5:1-9; Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11; Luke 3:1-6

A man caused a stir among Christmas shoppers in a mall. He sat near the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and talked to people. He asked them why they spent so much money on Christmas, and why they stressed themselves out over this tinselled holiday. To some he said: “The best gifts we can give are kindness and compassion.” To yet others: “Why don’t you forgive or reconcile with family or friends?” 
Many nodded in agreement. Some quit shopping and went home to be with their families. Others bought an extra toy or some clothes for charity. 
Word reached the store managers. They had security escort him from the premises. He wasn’t really hurting anyone, but he had to go; he was ruining everyone’s Christmas. 

Were John the Baptist to appear today, he probably would ruin everyone’s Christmas. He would remind us of the same things and tell us that the coming of God among us means more than cleaning and decorating, shopping and cooking. It means preparing the way for the Saviour.
In the first reading, Baruch offers a song of hope to the Babylonian exiles that God would one day lead them home. Like the foreman of a road crew, God orders that mountains be levelled and valleys filled for the building of a royal road on which “Israel may walk safely in the glory of God.”
Luke takes up the same image to interpret the message of John the Baptist. John offers hope that “all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

The salvation promised by Baruch and John is God’s work. Ours is to repair the road for God’s coming. Our task is to repent: to recognise and admit that I’m going the wrong way and then change direction. Repentance is awareness-admission plus action.

What are the areas in my life that need “repair”? What are the obstacles that must be removed? There are 
- mountains that need to come down: racism, communalism, sexism.
- valleys to be filled: despair, loneliness, grief, pain.
- crooked places to be made straight: abuse, immorality, violence.
- rough places to be made smooth: oppression, injustice.
There is work to do! Let’s bring on the bulldozers and road graders… and get to work on our hearts!

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