1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49; Luke 6:27-38
Martin Luther King Jr wrote (in/from jail!) about loving enemies: “This is not practical; life is a matter of getting even, of hitting back… We have followed the so-called practical way for too long, and it has led inexorably to deeper confusion and chaos. Time is cluttered with the wreckage of communities which surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation and the salvation of humankind, we must follow another way. This does not mean that we abandon our righteous efforts. With every ounce of our energy, we must continue to rid this nation of the incubus of segregation. But we shall not in the process relinquish our privilege and our obligation to love. While abhorring segregation, we shall love the segregationist. This is the only way to create the beloved community.”
Luther was commenting on the “impractical” way Jesus preached in his sermon on the plain. Love of enemies is contrary to every natural impulse. Jesus teaches us to remain loving even when others treat us in an unloving manner. There will be times when we need to protect ourselves against evil. But in and with love.
A massive challenge! How can we love people who have hurt/ oppressed us? How can we love our enemies when everything inside us makes us want to hurt them back?
The response, indicated by scripture and by the life of Jesus, is that we can love those for whom we feel no love when we decide to do so. Love is not a feeling; it is a choice and a decision to do right even when wronged; to do good even when bad is done; to bless even when cursed; to forgive even when condemned.
Love is a commitment to the good of another. We have an example in the First Reading: David refuses to harm Saul, to put a spear through the heart of his sleeping enemy.
How do we love our enemies when we do not feel like loving them? In the way that we wake up in the morning when we feel like sleeping; in the way that we work when we feel like relaxing. We just do it. We decide and follow through. Authentic love is hard work!
Who are my enemies whom I need to love? Will I choose and decide to love them and follow through on that decision? How will I manifest my love for them?
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